The most beautiful motorcycle routes in Switzerland
Fabulous freedom on two wheels
Alpine passes
We want to whet your appetite for many beautiful rides in the pass arena in front of our doorstep - even if there is still meters of snow ...
Appenzell - St. Gallen
Eastern Switzerland offers a lot for the mind. This time, Hagen Zimmermann, who was on the board of IG Motorrad for nine years, shows us his favorite corners.
Appenzell region
The Appenzell region beckons with its natural beauty, its fantastic views and two great events for motoring enthusiasts held in June.

Emmental and Entlebuch
This 200-kilometer day tour, which mainly comprises along side roads, focuses on culinary delights.
A lap on lovely, winding roads with guaranteed low traffic through the Emmental, which can be quite rugged here and there.
Eine Runde über lieblich geschwungene, garantiert verkehrsarme Strassen durchs Emmental, das sich hie und da auch richtig schroff zeigt.
Bernese Oberland
A twisty day trip into the Freiburgerland. When the major Alpine passes are flooded by traffic, it's worth knowing some alternatives like this day trip.
Drei Kantone, eine Tour
Eigentlich ist der Titel dieses Tourentipps schon ein bisschen grossspurig. Keine Sorge, nicht etwa, weil es um die Wahl der Strässchen geht. Aber…
The fastest way to the "electromobility" exhibition is via the motorway - the most beautiful and worthwile is via our alternative.
Die Grenzen sind dicht, das Fernweh bleibt und unsere Tourenreviere im Ausland bleiben auf unbestimmte Zeit unerreichbar. Und doch führt dieser Tourentipp völlig legal über exterritoriales Gebiet …
Kunkel pass
Maybe you've heard of the Kunkel Pass? We'll tell you why it and other sideshows are worth a bike ride.
Zizers – Soglio
Die «Bündner Soglio-Tour» weiss landschaftlich, kurventechnisch und kulinarisch jeden Motorradfahrer zu begeistern.
If passes could talk: This series wants to remind us of the extraordinary beauty of many a local mountain road.
Chur as a starting and destination point: Esra and Simri Buchli of 77 Bombay Street present their favorite tour.
Zizers - Soglio
The "Soglio-Tour" in the Grisons will inspire every motorcyclist with its scenery, bends and culinary delights.
The short circular tour around the Chasseral, the highest elevation in the Bernese Jura, can even be fitted in at the end of the day. On the other hand, if you stop at one or the other of the Métairie, you'll need the whole Sunday.
The Swiss Mittelland offers a wealth of great motorcycle routes. We had the Street-Hawks motorcycle club show us a winding loop.
Avoid highway traffic jams! Instead take the narrow asphalt ribbon which winds its way through mountain farming villages and lush alpine meadows. If passes could talk...
Border range
This tour guides you to the German enclave located in northern Switzerland near Schaffhausen.
Solothurn - Jura
Peter Studer, director off the "have-fun" driving programmes, shows us one of his favourite routes through the Jura featuring many curves and little traffic.
Zurich - Lucerne
Enjoy lake roads and sunny expanses. We warmly recommend the almost 200 kilometres presented here. They extend over the area between the Greifensee region near Zurich and Lucerne, and are suitable for every type of motorbike, i.e. every type of bike and every type of rider.
Three cantons, one tour
Actually the title of this tour is a bit pompous but this delightful adventure will lead you through Zurich, Thurgau and St. Gallen.